Magazine: The Peace in Colombia is with Nature, with the Indigenous, Black, Afrodescendents, and Palenquros Peoples


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1. Peace in Colombia is with Nature and the Indigenous, Raizal, Black, and Palenqueros Peoples

By: Coordinación Étnica Nacional de Paz - CENPAZ.

2. History of the Ethnic Chapter of the 2016 Peace Agreement between the Colombian State and the FARC-EP.

By: Rodrigo Castillo Rodallega.

3. The protection and healing (reordering) of the Amazon territory as a cornerstone for the care and existence of memory and life.

By: Luz Mery Panche Chocué.

4. Murdering environmental defenders to negotiate biodiversity. In memoriam of Phanor Guazaquillo Peña.


5. The COP16 from CONAFRO

By: Aiden Salgado Cassiani.

6. FEDEMICHOCO continues to firmly promote mining that minimizes environmental impacts, worked from the communities and not with multinationals.

By: Ariel Quinto Murillo.

7. Peacebuilding and “development” in Colombia

By: Jorge Andrés Forero-González.

8. I heal Cold Uteruses with Herbal Steam... I am Black, I am Afro-descendant, I am a Medicine Woman.

By: Adalis Ruiz Rivadeneira

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